Father's Day

  • June 16, 2013

Men’s Educational Support Association (MESA)
Public Service Announcement

June, 2013   


Date:           Sunday, June 16, 2013

Time:          11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Place:         Prince’s Island Park (Downtown Calgary)

Special Event:     National Flag of Canada Display at 12:01 pm.
Special Event:     Purple Balloon display at 2:00 pm.

The Men’s Educational Support Association (MESA) celebrating Fatherhood welcomes Fathers, Children and their guests to participate in MESA’s 19th Annual Father’s Day Picnic.

In recognition of Canadian Fathers and their contribution to the family and to Canada, MESA is proud to honor fathers who sacrifice their own interest and jeopardize their own safety and life to offer emotional and financial stability to their families, this Father’s Day will be considered a special time and occasion for display of the National Flag of Canada at 12:01 pm, in addition with the Flag of our neighbor the United States of America.

There will be a display of eighty Purple Balloons at 2:00 pm in support and solidarity of Fatherhood.

The display of the Purple Balloons is being done in conjunction with Father’s Day celebrations around the world and to raise awareness about Fatherhood.

The symbolic display of eighty balloons is to signify the approximate number of 8000 divorces that happens in Alberta every year.             

A black balloon will also be displayed in support of separated fathers and children who are attempting to maintain a meaningful relationship.

Children are encouraged to write a message of appreciation to fatherhood and put it on the balloon.   Each balloon will bear a printed message:

Kids Need Fathers … Not Visitors

All are welcome to attend
Free Purple Balloons to children at the park
National Flag of Canada distribution
Free food, juices and soft drinks

“The best parent is both parents” children need two parents in their lives. Governments and their agencies, public policy and Family Law should be supportive of Equal Shared Parenting, the family and every parent who wants to be one.  Fathers do matter.


Men’s Educational Support Association (MESA)