Organic food equally as nutritious as chemically treated foods

  • September 4, 2012
I’m feeling a little distressed over the tone that’s been set this morning over the study that states “organic” food is not any more nutritious than “non-organic”. The coverage almost has felt like we blew a hole through a mythical story that organic foods are so much better for us. That’s certainly not what the study means. Forgive me, but nutritional content is an interesting question by itself, but there were no shocking insights revealed. Read More

Creating magic

  • August 6, 2012
“I SEE WOMEN ENGINEERS !! YES !!!” When I was in Grade 2, I discovered I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to become… a SCIENTIST. The great news is, I did. Literally, and then figuratively, and finally in my heart of hearts I understand that science is truly my passion and something that so fundamentally makes up who I am that I could never be parted from it. Read More