Honestly, when it came up I had no idea what anyone was talking about. I had to look it up.
Other than a rather unfortunate name-calling incident while I was growing up, I’ve never been mistaken as gay. Yes, I have gay friends, but really doesn’t everyone these days? I can’t really imagine the topic coming up very often with me. Anyone’s relationship status is pretty much right at the bottom of my criteria over whether you’re my friend. Are you interesting? Do you treat me decently? Can I rely upon your word? Wanna be my friend?
Seriously, didn’t we solve this when we were six?
“Conscience Rights” are much, much more upsetting to me than anyone’s sexual orientation. Should two people want a meaningful relationship on terms they define, that’s fine by me. You’re welcome in my world based upon the previously listed criteria.
However, if you have taken a role as a public servant, you should be expected to serve the public. You don’t get to pick and choose whom you shall serve upon your narrow definitions. The public is the public, public servants are expected to serve all of us.
If you’ve been here before, you’ll know very well I feel unfairly treated by a branch of the public service. Mistreatment, abusive behaviour, disrespectful and unfair treatment of any and all Albertans by the public service is unacceptable. Always and forever.
Sure, I have to look up what they’re talking about when we’re talking about “Conscience Rights,” but as soon as I see it, I know what’s right and what’s wrong.
Glenn Taylor speaks on my behalf and I support his position fully. This is the normal state of being in my world. It should be the normal state of being in Alberta.
Can I mention something personal? When Glenn and I first met he promised me that he would listen to what I had to say, and whether he agreed or disagreed I would be treated respectfully. He’s proven so again today.
Thanks to Chris Labossiere for bringing this to my attention. Highly recommended reading.