A crisis of morality

I hate having a crisis of morality.

My four cornerstones are to be honest, to be trustworthy, to be fair (whatever that means) and to be respectful.  I really, really hate to be called out when I don’t live up to my own standards - although I don’t mind so much when I see an act so egregious by someone else that I question my own stance and entirely change my attitude in life.  It happens, it makes me grow as a person.

If I haven’t lived up to my personal cornerstones in the past, it is up to me to change it in the present and make amends.  I am my own harshest critic.  I’d rather catch a problem in my moral framework by myself before someone else points out how big of an ass I’ve been.

Apparently, it turns out I have a number of friends that are gay.  To be honest, the topic has never really came up between us.  But I do not have any ‘gay friends’.

I have good friends.  I have true friends.  I have close friends.  I have distant friends.  I have lifelong friends.  I have kind friends.  I have supportive friends.  I have awesome friends.  I have trustworthy friends.  I have talented friends.  I have poetic friends.  I have strong friends.  I have treasured friends.  I have brilliant friends.  I have clever friends.  I have confident friends.  I have funny friends.  I have honest friends.  I have old friends.  I have new friends.  I have fun friends.  I have cool friends.  I have amazing friends.  I have inspiring friends.

The adjectives applicable to my friends tell you about their character, not about their appearance or superficial descriptions.  I hope you find that expressive about my character and would make you wish to be counted as one of my friends.