Bow River Flow to Go

I need a wee little tweak on my rear derailleur.  It’s just enough off that upshifting takes a moment or two to catch.  I think about it every time I ride home and I forget about it every time I stash my bike in the basement and head upstairs to start dinner.  The next morning I grumble to myself as I shift my gears and wonder why I didn’t fix it.

I could jump off my bike and twist the adjustment screw during my commute, but it’s really not bad enough to bother stopping to bother with.  I’ll fix it when I get to work, or when I get home.  And the cycle repeats itself.

So what does this have to do with Bow River Flow?

The Bow River Flow changed my attitude and eventually changed my preferred method of commuting through Calgary.  Fuel costs me considerably less than it used to, my fitness has considerably improved, I feel better when I arrive at my destination than I do when I’ve been driving.  I can do my own maintenance, and when I’m over my head or short on time we’ve got fantastic shops locally who will help me out.

I’m saving time.  I’m saving money.  I’m happier.  How can a once-a-year event have made such a positive influence on my life?

Two years ago the Bow River Flow changed my idea of what a festival could be in Calgary.  It’s different, it’s fun, it’s my style of festival.  I went with my kids and it was an amazingly good day together.

One year ago the Bow River Flow changed my idea of what government could be  in Calgary.  I started demanding a more cooperative, more productive, more open and communicative, less confrontational and more pragmatic government.  I think we have made some progress, but we have more to go.  The thing with last year was I went with my kids and it turned out to be an amazingly good day together.  What was different was that I started meeting some of the friends I’m proud to know and work alongside today.

Tomorrow I’ll be back down there with my kids riding my blue Trek, looking suitably unfashionable and more than likely having a marvellous time.  I genuinely hope to see you down there.  Feel free to stop me and ask how my derailleur is doing.  

It will be my third Bow River Flow - I can’t wait to find out which idea of mine will be affected this year!